Friday, 3 May 2024

Log Homeowners Should Know the EMC of Their Region

Why? The reason you should know your regions Equilibrium Moisture Content (EMC) is humidity levels vary from region to region. For instance, yearly, the EMC for Springfield, Missouri ranges from a low of 12.6, to 14.0 as a high. Conversely, Colorado Springs, CO, ranges from 9.1 to 10.4. It is essential to know your log home’s EMC if the logs were green when built.

Click the image of the EMC table of U.S. Dept. Of Agriculture to be directed to their site to discover your regions information.

If you’re unsure, there is a solution. Moisture content meters are a quick find at a hardware store. You can purchase the Moisture Meter, which you can pick up online from $45-$700, to discover the current EMC of your logs. Please make sure you check on each side. This is due to the south wall receiving the most sunlight while the north sees less. The north wall might have a higher level as it often stays wet the longest.

High Moisture Levels Issues

Blistering under Clear Finished Log

If the moisture level is, or is above 20%, as the logs dry out, the moisture will move from the center outward, causing the water content to rise to the surface of the log (see the picture, for example). If the finish (oil or water-based) is applied to a high EMC log, it can trap moisture between the log and the finish.

Why is this important for you to know as a log homeowner? So you can avoid common issues that plague cabin owners. High EMC causes problems with finish adhesion, generally appearing as blisters, cracks, and peeling. In this case, we recommend a penetrating finish that will allow moisture to escape. I hope that reading this will save you money.

The post Log Homeowners Should Know the EMC of Their Region appeared first on Log Masters Restorations.


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